Japan 2023 Trip

Placeholder post

By Ippy

6 minute read

This is a placholder post, possibly to give myself some accountability.

In 2023, we visited Japan, the first time in 10 years for me and 6 years for A.

Continue reading to see an itinerary of where we went.

To Hobart via Ross

Day 7 of Tasmania 2022 trip

By Ippy

8 minute read

Ross Bridge, Constructed in 1836

Ross Bridge, Constructed in 1836

We had a tightly planned day but the aim was to drive from Barrington to Hobart, which would take roughly 4 hours. We had some extra stops to make because I reworked the things we had to drop on Day 3 into today's plan. Today is also the last day we have the car. Once again, just because you planned it doesn't mean things go to plan.

By Ippy

8 minute read

Man vs. Kangaroo

Man vs. Kangaroo

Today was earmarked as a buffer day in case we were not able to do Cradle Mountain the day before. Of course we know that turned out just fine, so we spent the day doing some things on the backup plan like seeing some Tassie Devils and doing laundry at Devonport. From now to the end of the trip, there will be no more hiking and things will be more laidback (and not as exciting to be honest).

Cradle Mountain

Day 5 of Tasmania 2022 trip

By Ippy

10 minute read

Cradle Mountain as seen from Marions Lookout

Cradle Mountain as seen from Marions Lookout

Cradle Mountain was the second big headliner of our trip in Tassie. We were pretty pumped for it and determined not to screw it up. Turns out we were extremely lucky to see Cradle Mountain on such a clear day - apparently there are 30 such days in the entire year.

Westward Towards Cradle Mountain

Day 4 of Tasmania 2022 trip

By Ippy

11 minute read

Sunset over a private reservoir in Barrington, Tasmania

Sunset over a private reservoir in Barrington, Tasmania

Today was intentionally a breezy relaxing day where we would just pop in to various places on the North Western Tasting Trail and have a look see or scoff food down our gobs. The only thing we had to do was make our way west towards Cradle Mountain. We had booked accommodation at a repurposed church in Barrington, which was about an hour away from Cradle Mountain. We were going to just commute to the mountain the next day because any type of accommodation closer to the mountain was very exhorbitant.

Birthday in Tassie

Day 2 of Tasmania 2022 trip

By Ippy

11 minute read

Port Arthur Historic Site

Port Arthur Historic Site

Sometimes plans just don't happen the way you want them to. Even if it's on your birthday. But one thing's for sure, you should absolutely, definitely have cake on your birthday. Always. But today we didn't

The Island Off Of The Biggest Island

Day 1 of Tasmania 2022 trip

By Ippy

7 minute read

Cape Pillar and Tasman Island, an Island off of the biggest island off of the Biggest Island in the World

Cape Pillar and Tasman Island, an Island off of the biggest island off of the Biggest Island in the World

Tasmania, that island state of Australia at the bottom of the World, I'm finally visiting you! Domestic trips are not my usual but with COVID-19 still languishing around the world, we thought we would play it safe and holiday closer to home. This would be our first trip since 2019, which is quite a break for us but we shouldn't complain, 2019 was a huge holiday that I will forever be grateful for.

By Ippy

2 minute read

China Railway high speed train (CRH380A)

China Railway high speed train (CRH380A)

No two railway stations in China looked the same! Here, I have put together photos of all the railway stations we visited. You will have to forgive the quality of some of these photos, as most were taken with a mobile phone. Some where taken whilst in a car. Unfortunately this is not a complete list of all the stations we visited. Some we simply didn't take photos of (time constraints I suppose) and some we never stepped out of as we simply transfered from the train station to the metro below.